When looking for someone to help you sell your home, a Shorewest, REALTOR® will give you the best possible experience. A Shorewest, REALTOR® is a professional who is well trained and backed by a company offering support and resources. A Shorewest, REALTOR® is your best choice, having gone through intensive training, is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and is supported by Shorewest, REALTORS® — Wisconsin’s Largest Home Seller™.
Now that you have decided to go with Shorewest, how do you choose a REALTOR®? Maybe you know someone who used a Shorewest, REALTOR® and had a great experience. Or you received a Just Sold postcard in the mail and are confident using a Shorewest, REALTOR® who gets results. Possibly a Facebook ad popped up quoting amazing service provided by a Shorewest, REALTOR® and you will contact them. All options are great!
If you are not sure where to start, here is how to find a great one!
- 1. Go to Shorewest.com. Our newly remodeled and improved website has an enhanced design that provides an easy and even more user-friendly visit for home buyers and sellers.
- 2. Go under the tab “Agents & Offices” and click, “Find an Agent”.
There are a few different options when you get to this page:
- 3. Select an Office if you are looking for a specific area.
- 4. Select a Language if it is easier to speak with a REALTOR® in a different language.
- 5. Press the “Get Help” red bar and either fill out your information to contact someone, or call the number listed.
- 6. View List of Agents by last name.
- 7. Or if you are new to Wisconsin, contact one of our Relocation team members for help.
After you find some candidates, set up interviews with your prospective Shorewest, REALTORS®. To help with this process, here is a helpful article on what to ask them!
No matter who you choose to represent you, know that you are in good hands. Our agents genuinely want to represent your best interests and find a qualified buyer for your property. All of our real estate associates go above and beyond for each listing, whether that’s putting in extra hours for a home showing or answering your phone calls at any time of the day or night. When you sell a home with Shorewest, you know that people will find your property and buyers will contact you! #ShorewestRealtors #SellingYourHome #SellersMarket
Tags: Homeowner, How-To, Sales Associates, Sellers Market, selling your home, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, Shorewest Relocation, shorewest.com
Categories: Home Selling, Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips
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